For some of you this is familiar. While in
Viet Nam I claimed a star for Brenda and myself. I told her to look for
Orions belt and then using what I called his sword (3stars) look above to the red star. That star would be ours and even though we were half a world apart we could
look at it and be connected. That has always been our family star. Many years later I learned that it was Betelgeuse (pronounced Betel Juice) yeah same as the movie Tim Burton made. It is one of the most
fascinating stars
in the heavens and some way that has made it even more special.
So any night you feel down, look up find "our" star and know that you are not only special to God, but also to me.
AWWW, Shawne has told me about this so many times. When you come up here, I want you to show it to me in person!