Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Property Survey (sort of)


Road from church to property I am looking at for home site.  Took thirty meter measure and went back out Monday morning to get a more realistic picture of what it consisted of.

The road to the house could use a little work, but so could the house.
The living part of it is nine foot by thirty foot and consists of two  rooms.

Under roof is an additional thirty by sixty foot area.

I picture kitchen, patio, bath, lanai and more out here.

The palm tree is to the North of the property and the direction from which you approach on the road running from North to East past the "brick house".  The sun would be coming up on the long open side of it and setting on the long cornfield side.  Already considering how to finish the inside (cement, plaster, tile and a dropped wood ceiling)  An enclosed skylight over booth rooms and double paneled tin roof.  With out zoning to worry about I would be limited only by imagination and the laws of physics.  Have suspended those laws on occasion and would consider doing so again.
This is really "living off the grid".

This is the road back to church and I would consider hiring some kids to cut the grass.  BTW you might remember that a "kid" is a young goat.  It would take a herd to trim this.  Love Togo and most of the JW's do not go door to door out here.  Baptist do and I have walked with them in visitation to invite people to see the "Jesus Film" and hear the gospel preached in real open air meetings.
So much of Togo is like Israel in the time that Jesus walked this earth as a man.  Farming is much like it was 2000 years ago, wells are dug the same and water drawn.  Roads are not as good as Roman but still dusty and washing of feet is needed daily.  People still get from one village to the next by walking and barter is the common coin.

There used to be a radio/TV program in the 50's called "This Was Your Life" and it was a surprise recap of an individuals life complete with significant people from their past.  I am writing an adventure story that is subtitled "James David Huff - This Is Your Life".  I have no idea how many chapters are left in the book nor the manner of exit at the end.  So far it has been and promises to be yet a mystery, thriller, fantasy, historical and emotional tale of one mans journey.   Screen rights are still available with Anthony Hopkins playing the enigmatic Mr. Huff.

Guess this does not help my sanity defense much........  (this from a man whose systolic numbers range from 79 to 158 in a 24 hour period)

"Always wave to the children. 
They will discover soon enough that this World is not always a friendly place.  
I  purpose that they shall not learn it from me."
j d huff

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