Sunday, November 4, 2012



“Ok” he said, as he packed his kit.  “I tried”.  He had extended an olive branch toward the little dove, hoping that she would light upon it and spend some time with him.  But, she only made several passes with hardly a glance at the peace offering he held forth.  Then, without a backward glance, she flew away.  It had been pleasant, no it had been peaceful, watching her wings beating the sun warmed air and cavorting in the gentle breeze.  “Memories” thinking out loud “at least I have memories of what might have been.” 
Slipping his pack onto his back and picking up his walking stick he turned toward the path that led from the quiet meadow to the forest and away from the sun kissed flowers of the spring.  Stepping more lightly than his heart felt he walked into the shadows of the trees and continued his journey to a place far distant. 
Occasionally someone would walk with him for a time, but they had their own destinations and soon their paths would part.  “Memories” he said again “at least I have memories of what time we shared.”  The trail was free of rocks and holes and rose gently toward a stand of Maple that was in its brightest green with the new leaves of spring.  As he approached the sound of laughter drifted to him on the warm wind rustling branches overhead.  “Could it be the music of the fae?” he actually spoke the words out loud and laughed to find he was talking to himself again.  The last time he encountered the wee people of the woods had been recorded in the ballad he wrote to remember the occasion for posterity.

I found myself upon a path within the wood
Less traveled this and yet I knew and understood
This was the way I was to go

The forest dark and dim within beckoned to me
The path was faint and overgrown most hard to see
This was the way I was to go

Step over step I made my way slowly forward
Quiet, silent, disturbing none, ever onward
This was the way I was to go

A light ahead, faintly glowing, a fairy ring
Wee folk dancing, the ancient song I heard her sing
This is the way for you to go

Beautiful she I can't describe So innocent
So pure and clean and much alive I stared intent
Knowing this way was mine to go

With open arms they welcomed me and taught me songs
Of peace and joy and happiness forgetting wrongs
This was the way I longed to go

We smoked a pipe and drank a toast, though different "kinds"
We shared a dream of hope and love in all our minds
This was the way that I should go

I woke alone, the forest still, with nothing there
I know, am sure, twas not a dream, and witness bear
This was the way that I would go

And you may come, along with me, this path to walk
To love and laugh, forgiving all their unthought talk
This is the way for us to go

It was his song.  They were singing his song.  It would be many hours till he slept.  For this night he would be among friends and share a time of fellowship with those who loved what he loved, valued like him and lived each and every minute of their lives.  He was just where he belonged for this moment of time and he was at peace.
NOT the end

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