Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August First Week

Hey.  Been two weeks and I thought I would do a little catch up.

This is my favorite local restaurant "La Douceur" in Kara.  Two of the walls are open to their garden.  Especially nice if it is raining.
This is part of the garden at home and butterfly s love the flowers. 
Not sure what kind of moth this is, but about 3-4" wingspan. 
Met with three and part of a fourth missionary family at the SIL compound for some sports.  Most try to get together at least once a week for fellowship and encouragement.  
The volleyball court is also the bicycle park and the dog run.  All at the same time.  The Thar's introduced me to a Norwegian game of KUPP.  If you like throwing wood blocks at other wood blocks it is an interesting game.  I liked it as it combines skill, strategy, and a bit of luck.  Will get specs and have carpenter make a set for the kids.
Speaking of kids.  Here are some of the kids at Tchandida getting ready for Sunday School.
They have their class in the original church building from 2010
Posing for the camera.
You were supposed to guess what this was before you saw the picture below.  Remember the road they graded last month?
Both children and adults take it upon themselves to patch roads and fill holes and hope that an appreciative motorist will give them 100 CFA (twenty cents) or at least something for their work.  This hole was so big that it took three inch branches to hold the rest of the material in place.
OK This brings us up to the 5th of August and will post more starting with trip to Kpalime and youth conferance.


  1. I love people fixing up the roads! Thanks for taking care of them too as they will remember that truck each time we go by there.

  2. Love our home there and it was good to see the flowers and butterflies :) And those sweet faces from Tchandida - so glad you're able to keep us posted on them and to see their faces was great! Don't miss those roads one bit.....am sure they'd put me into labor right now, but that wouldn't be a bad thing - as long as I could deliver here and not there! ha!

  3. WOW... the roads are crazy.. and you driving while recording? how does that work??? I see you are getting ready for AWANA.. cant wait to hear how that is going.
    Love you
