Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunday at the conferance

Sunday about 0900hrs i left Tsiko and headed toward Adeto and the youth at Kpalime.  As I approached Adeto I came across ten or more government trucks with police and several big black SUV's with well dressed men in suits.  It looked like the start of a political rally. (was)  I stopped along the main street to see what was developing and asked a policeman walking by What?  His reply "Prime Minister".  Since it was only the President I was interested in meeting, I drove on.  Not far.  Stop here and shut off your engine was the next policeman's order.  Sat for five minutes and he waved me on.  As I traveled down the road I met at least twenty more government vehicles, several large buses loaded with well dressed people, taxis and private vehicles in abundance.  Will not find out all of the story until I am back in Kara.

Arrived at conference and got to center of grounds where we agreed to meet.  Since it was not yet noon and there was a morning service in progress I went to see....
a Pastor from Texas had the message for the young people. 
he was "on fire" and brought a challenge to all.
from all those empty seats, to this
After the service they had an awards ceremony to thank those who served.  You have to skip down to the last video as they are out of sequence at this point.  Anyway the last video clip is of the "kitchen" ladies who fed 1500 mouths for three days.  After they were recognized, they returned to the kitchen to prepare Sunday diner.  Cooking over an open fire in the courtyard, they had prepared rice, fish and water for all.
I was made welcome back in the cooking area and enjoyed their happy attitude while they served.  Discovered that it is customary for everyone to bring their own eating utensils (like your own mess gear in the military) and I had none.  Bought a loaf of bread from vendor and hollowed out heal to use as bowl.. Filled with brown rice, it was delicious.  Did I mention that I love the people of Togo..???
Little change to return trip.  Taxi was leased by other church group and they did not have room for all of ours on return trip to Kara.  So, in addition to the six that came with us, we had two men in back of truck with additional luggage.  What wonderful attitudes.  No complaint about riding in back of truck for two hundred miles of bumpy roads.....
This is all thirteen of our group.  They are great.  On the way back I talked the ladies into singing from eight till after nine p.m. and it was wonderful. Many were tunes I knew from when I was a youth at camp.  The return trip was a blessing in and of itself.
These were the ladies from the kitchen.  I can not really begin to appreciate what it took from all those responsible for making this conference "work".
We arrived back in Kara after eleven p.m. and were home by midnight.

1 comment:

  1. How fun it was to read and see pics and video of the conference. Thanks so much for taking the youth, as many would otherwise probably not been able to attend. Love the group photo of everyone - miss those sweet "kids." So glad there was such an amazing turnout of youth!
